/ Physics Department

Off-Campus Study

We are so excited that you are considering studying off-campus! Studying in another part of the world or country can be a valuable part of your academic journey, and an instrumental experience in further exploring how things work.

Some things to consider as a physics major as you plan your off-campus study experience:

  • Fall semester of your junior or senior year are the best times to study off-campus
  • Courses that are good choices to take off-campus are:
    • Electricity and Magnetism (PHYS 342)
    • Classical Mechanics (PHYS 361)
    • Thermodynamics (PHYS 362)
    • Quantum Mechanics (PHYS 372)
    • Advanced Laboratory (PHYS 382).
  • A computer programming course could be taken and used for the major, only with prior approval from the department 
  • It is important to meet with your academic advisor regarding your academic plan and how to fit in an off-campus study experience
  • Identify courses you plan on taking off-campus and provide course descriptions, especially to ensure graduating on time

Featured Programs

  • (Scotland)
  • (Australia)
  • (South Africa)
  • (Spain)